The estimates of the European Commission are that if women get equal representation in entrepreneurship, high technology and engineering, it will lead to huge profits, in the figures of trillions, it will raise the economy of Europe and make it even more competitive. Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov expressed this opinion in his greeting to the participants in the Global Forum of Women Leaders, which is organized today by the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, reports BTA.
The event highlights the successful ideas and practices of individuals, companies and organizations in their quest to create a more sustainable, stable and equal society.
Women entrepreneurs in Bulgaria account to 30%, according to data from the National Statistical Institute.
When we talk about high technologies, our country is significantly above the average European levels with 41% of participants being women”, Denkov also commented.
He added that the average European levels for this indicator are 33%.
So there is a lot to be proud of, there is a lot to brag about, but there is still a lot to do”, he stated.
Denkov told a personal story to illustrate, in his words, his feeling about women.
He said reporters recently asked him if he trusted “any politicians 100 percent,” and he replied that he only trusted his wife 100 percent. Denkov pointed out that his wife is a professor and extremely respected scientist.
He said that during his time there were fewer female PhD students and indicated that this has now changed.
Denkov concluded his speech by addressing the ladies in the hall with the words:
We believe in you, we rely on you, and we know that very often you are the better half of humanity.”
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