When it comes to workplace support, the options are many. One of the ways to help employees who are part of underrepresented groups are resource groups. They are managed by and unite employees who share an interest in a specific dimension of diversity. There are, however, other resources for support. Here are some of them.
Sponsorship is a tool to improve the proportional representation of groups who face particular challenges in advancing their careers. It is usually carried out by a senior manager and aims to promote the career development of the sponsored person. The sponsor uses its connections and resources directly to promote the sponsor’s career development and provide exposure opportunities.
Mentoring focuses on the mentor-mentee relationship and the help that the mentor can provide directly to the mentee. Mentors are experienced and trusted advisors, often several levels higher in the hierarchy or with more experience. They take the time to offer career development advice. There are programs for so-called “reverse mentorship”, in which employees with less experience mentor more senior employees on specific topics such as using new technologies.
Mentors indirectly support and encourage employees by providing advice on how to navigate and advance in the organization. Mentors act as a confidential source of ideas and guidance.
The allyship includes individuals who actively advocate for the interests and inclusion of marginalized and underrepresented groups.
An ally is often defined as someone who is not a member of a marginalized group but wants to take action to support and help that group. Workplace allyship is critical to inclusion and equality.
An ally can be anyone in the company, regardless of level in the hierarchy, who commits to support. He/She acts as a lawyer for various marginalized groups and works to overcome discriminatory practices.
Advocacy can provide powerful support throughout an employee’s career path. Advocates promote visibility, connect people to development opportunities, and level the playing field for all, regardless of their gender, culture, or background differences.
Mentors, sponsors, allies and advocates support career growth in various ways. Whether one needs the advice of a mentor, contacts built through a sponsor, or visibility into career opportunities thanks to an advocate, various career support resources exist.