Huvepharma, a leading global animal, human health, and nutrition company, announces major investments in renewable energy. 180 million euros will be invested in solar plants, wind power plants and other renewable energy sources. Huvepharma already operates a solar plant with a capacity of 25MW and plans to increase its capacity to 300 MW by 2030,the equivalent of the energy supply for 300,000 households.
The company has started the process of decarbonizing its production facilities by relying on own energy production from renewable sources. Additionally, to address indirect emissions (scope 3), the company commits to engage partners upstream and downstream the value chain. All these actions are part of a longer-term vision to achieve climate neutrality. Huvepharma is Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) driven and to achieve the commitments made, establishing good practices are part of the business strategy, following a rigorous implementation plan.
Kiril Domuschiev, President and CEO of Huvepharma states: “Our long-term vision is to provide livestock solutions to our customers’, whilst being mindful and protective towards the environment in which we operate. Huvepharma’s environmental mission is core to how we operate, and we acknowledge our responsibilities throughout the supply chain, from strain to shelf. Our commitment to making measurable, positive contributions to the environment continues to evolve and develop. Our entire production process is reformed to reduce our carbon footprint. To reach this goal the investment to increase the renewable energy is a major commitment. Huvepharma initiated the first solar plant of 25 MW in 2021. The next step will be to extend the renewable energy plants to 150 Megawatts by 2023. Additional investments will increase the capacity to 300 Megawatts upwards, which is aligned with our ambition to achieve the goals of the Paris agreement.
Investing in sustainable technologies
Huvepharma’s environmental mission is becoming core to how we operate, and we recognize our responsibilities throughout the supply chain, from strain to shelf. Our commitments to making measurable, positive contributions to the environment continue to evolve and strengthen. Improving performance and manage better our production processes, for which we continuously undertake new initiatives. This is resulting in the company’s comprehensive ESG report, which will be published later this year.
Waste and Circular Economy
Huvepharma has invested in environmentally friendly technologies for its manufacturing processes. The company is licensed to operate in an ecologically friendly way during the entire production cycle which places us in a leading position in environmental protection. We significantly reduce our environmental impact through accountable resource use and waste management.
Modernized waste water treatment (WWT) plants and a number of exhaust air-filtration installations have been integrated into Huvepharma manufacturing facilities, In compliance with the European standards.
The company operates two incinerator plants where we produce steam from waste materials and biomass, which is then utilised in our production processes. This and other stories of Huvepharma’s contribution to a Circular Economy will be published in its ESG report.
Significant investments have been made in innovations and technology know-hows for the construction of new formulation and granulation plants, to meet customer requirements for dust free and free-flowing products. A free-flowing product is one that is administered easily, precisely, and directly to the specific feed or premixture and is not dispersed into the surrounding environment.
Algal based omega 3 production
In November 2021 Huvepharma announced the start of Huve Nutraceuticals, a joint venture for the large-scale production of Vegan omega 3 algal oils for the business-to-business market. Algal based omega 3 offers the same key ingredients as fish oil, but is produced by fermentation, so it doesn’t interfere with the natural ecosystem of the oceans and does not contain compounds like PCB’s or dioxins. Huve Nutraceuticals uses microalgae grown away from the sea to produce oil in dedicated fermentation units. It doesn’t impact on the world’s diminishing fish stocks. It is therefore much more environmentally friendly.
Safe and environmentally friendly packaging
In packaging Huvepharma uses materials that are safer to the environment and that reduce waste with lower shipping costs, less plastic and a lower carbon footprint, in comparison with bulk containers. Examples are smaller WSP enzyme packaging, water-soluble packaging, paper bag packaging and packaging included in GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) production processes.
Huvepharma’s green credentials in manufacturing prove there is a commitment towards protecting the environment by reducing CO2 emissions, waste, and the reliance on finite energy sources. Its products deliver solutions for livestock and aqua to improve production efficiency and to reduce the carbon footprint of customers’ businesses.
About Huvepharma
Huvepharma is a fast-growing global Pharma company (in terms of sales growth) with a focus on developing, manufacturing, and marketing animal and human health and nutraceutical products.
Huvepharma’s key strengths lie in large scale fermentation and technical expertise developed over more than half a century at our European manufacturing sites.
Huvepharma’s products are sold in over 100 countries. The company operates production sites in France, a chemical synthesis plant in Italy, three production facilities for biotechnology and vaccines in Bulgaria, and 6 sites in the U.S. for vaccines and veterinary medicines.
With the Joint Venture partnership, Huve Nutraceuticals brings expertise in micro-organisms in order to produce ultra-high quality, very competitive algal based ingredients and finished products for human, pet and aquaculture nutrition applications.